We have been out of sandwich bread for 3 days, and I can't get to the grocery until Saturday. I couldn't take it anymore, so I caved and tried a new recipe hoping it would at least make a decent sandwich.
I am so glad we were out of bread, because it forced me to try again. And this time - it was DELICIOUS. The perfectly soft, perfectly sliceable, perfect sandwich bread. The only flaw in this bread is that it is all white flour and has refined sugar in it. But I was desperate for a good bread that wouldn't crumble or be a brick, so I sacrificed health for today. ;) I will come back to link the recipe, I believe it was called Amish sandwich bread.
The recipe made two 9x4 loaves, and one loaf was enough for 5 sandwiches and 5 pieces of "taste testing" slices. (And they passed the test, even for the 3 crust-haters).
I can't wait for lunch today...