
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

New Journey Through Love planner!

A couple months ago, I released the new version of my homeschool planner.  I am even more pleased with this version than the last - what I love most is the artwork!  The cover art was created by a friend of mine - Paige, who runs the shop Whimsi Doll where she creates lots of amazing artistic creations.  I also love the watercolor artwork on each page inside.  Below, you can see how each month has a different watercolor.  These are carried throughout the planner.  I just love them <3, though they are not by Paige.  

I included lots of space for planning.  Each "quarter" has this (below) planning section.  

Then between each month section, you will have a month calendar and planning space for your resources, field trips, notes etc.

For the weekly view, I made space for form drawing, festivals and holidays or upcoming events, and plenty of planning space.  I personally use the spaces as circle time, morning main lesson, afternoon main lesson, and leave the last spot for notes or events happening that day.  There is also menu planning space at the bottom of each week day, and a notes section for groceries, to-do's, etc.  

Another way you could use the space is a block for each child, and a block for lessons the family will do together.  But be creative and use it however works for you!

The planner is available on Etsy, there is a traditional (not Waldorf specific) version available there as well.  This version is 15 months (June 2014-Aug 2015) so remember to not print the months that you no longer need!  I am hoping to have a printed version available very soon!  

Do you use the Journey Through Love planner?  Tell me what you think!  I'd also love to have you link back to a blog review you have done!  
