Overall picture
He had drilled 8 holes in the lid (2 for each string), but after a few rounds, realized one central hole (or, two holes, I suppose) is better. 4 locations seems to tangle too much
He just drilled a hole in one side of the clothes pin for the yarn.
This works best if you have a nice high deck to throw off of. Luckily, we do. ;)
They tried several different methods, from scrunching it all up and letting it go, to lengthening. I think holding it out like Jujubee is doing worked best.
And let it fly!
You may notice there is a stuffed orange inside the jar. It seemed to help when we added a little weight. Too much weight made it sink too fast, too little didn't give it enough oompf to spread out and fly.
There you go! A parachute from a playsilk. Have fun!