I thought I had it all figured out. Oak Meadow 3 for our main curriculum and Waldorf Essentials 2 for our supplementing. Then I got Oak Meadow 3 in and decided I'd rather go ahead and use grade 2 stories, so I sent it back and was able to snag a used grade 2 copy.
I tried and tried to make OM2 work as our main, but it was just too much going on at once for us. We really enjoy the Waldorf approach to learning, and with OM, though it is gentle and art focused, there are so many stories going on at once. A social studies story, science story, a reader, a language arts story. I attempted to make it into a block schedule like traditional Waldorf - still a no go.
Finally, I decided if it isn't broke, don't fix it. We are using Waldorf Essentials 2 as our main curriculum, and adding in a few aspects of OM2. So far, it is working nicely. Jujubee really enjoys the OM reader - Ben and Meg, and we are using "Beginning Recorder" from OM as well. When we come across a fun activity from the OM2 science, language, or social studies we throw that in if we have time, but basically we are using WE2.
Here is our school rhythm:
Form drawing
Read a story
Model from story
Read aloud from reader
Write in journal (I provide writing idea)
Recall story
Draw and summarize in MLB
Math review during circle time
Watercolor from story
Read aloud from reader
cursive writing practice
Recall story
Draw and summarize in MLB
Math review during circle time
Nature journal
Read aloud from reader
We are still ironing out our weekly rhythm as far as our daily chores go. Things should calm down here soon after camping season is over and we will be able to stick with it more.
How is your year going? Feel free to share your rhythm or link to your blog post about your curriculum choices and rhythm!