Well, who am I to get in the way of a girl having a garden? So, off my husband and I went to get timbers to build her garden in the corner of our yard. Our family members were informed she would be getting a garden, and bought her several wonderful additions to it, as well as some regular 7 year old items. :)
Helping build the box
Box complete, but empty.
Thankfully, my dad lives in the country and has a bobcat. He got us a truckload of dirt :) Thanks dad!
Julia planting her perennials.
The garden this year. Next year we will be adding more flowers, and vegetables. It was too late in the season to grow from seeds this year.
The bird and gnome Julia chose for her decor.
She is so excited about this. We've had the garden for a month and she is still watering it daily when it doesn't rain, and waiting for that first weed to pop up so she can pull it. Little does she know, next year she will be so sick of weeds!